At Killarney Heights High School, we cater to the whole child—the academic, the physical and mental wellbeing. In addition to this, we help develop skills that will enable your child to make the most of the future, with critical thinking skills which will carry forward into life beyond the classroom.
To enhance academic success for all students, we have a number of strategies—the first is to ensure that the teachers are equipped with the latest research in what works in the classroom. We all know the importance of a quality teacher and what this can mean for your child, so my main aim is to work with teachers to improve their knowledge and skills in the techniques that bring about the greatest learning for students in the classroom.
This is important for students at all levels of academic ability. For the brightest students, it means that we use research to inform teachers of what works best for these students. At Killarney Heights High School we have extension classes (X and S) in every year, allowing like-minded students to work together, giving them more opportunities to aspire to excellence.
For students who struggle in some areas, we offer support. We have a program, QuickSmart, developed by the University of New England to assist students in both literacy and numeracy.
We are a school that is underpinned by the principles of positive psychology, that is, we build on students' strengths and reinforce these at every opportunity. Our welfare team has come up with three words that encapsulate what we do—"respect, connect and aspire". They have developed models of good behaviour using these themes in every setting—in the classroom, in the playground and in the community. Disruptive behaviour inhibits learning, which is why we are serious about maintaining a positive classroom climate. All teachers have been trained, ensuring a consistent approach throughout the school.
We continue to teach drama to all students in Year 7 and 8. Through this medium, students will be taught resilience as well as activities to improve their skills in communication and confidence. The importance of happy, well-adjusted children is paramount to us.
To prepare students for the future, we carefully plan assessments to reinforce communication, collaboration, creativity and critical thinking. We aim to improve student's skills and experiences through a wide range of subjects and extra-curricular activities. A further aim is to increase engagement which will enhance academic outcomes in other areas.