Killarney Heights High School

Respect Connect Aspire

Telephone02 9451 7005

Creative arts

Creativity is as important as literacy. The best evidence of human creativity is our trajectory through life. We create our own lives. And these powers of creativity, manifested in all the ways in which human beings operate, are at the very heart of what it is to be a human being." Sir Ken Robinson.

At Killarney Heights High School, the Creative and Performing Arts Faculty (CAPA) allows students to discover and explore how to visually, physically and musically create, envisage, design and bring to life their ideas through Drama, Music and Visual Arts.

Studying the creative arts, students learn to appreciate, compose, listen, devise, collaborate and perform. Each art form has its own unique knowledge and skills, elements or concepts as well as a capacity to inspire and enrich lives as well as inspire personal expression.

In Stage 4, (Years 7 and 8) students study mandatory courses in Music and Visual Arts.  We also offer Drama to our incoming Year 7 students.  From Year 9 – 12 all CAPA subjects are offered as electives, with a strong tradition of academic excellence in our HSC subjects Drama, Music and Visual Arts.

We are an active and enthusiastic department who consistently run extra-curricular opportunities outside of the classroom such as:

  • Art Club
  • Year 8 Drama ensemble
  • Biennial Plays & Musicals
  • Friday Jams
  • Annual HSC Showcase
  • Annual Junior Showcase

These opportunities make meaningful and relevant links to learning by enabling students to communicate and convey their work in a variety of settings within the school and wider community.

Killarney Heights High School provides the following specialist facilities for students studying CAPA subjects:

  • Two Drama studios, new LED lighting system
  • Art studios with technology access and Kilns
  • Music rooms and keyboard lab fitted with 15 computers and compatible keyboards and software
  • Brand new intelligent LED lighting system in Crossley Hall