Killarney Heights High School

Respect Connect Aspire

Telephone02 9451 7005

For Parents

Parent Portal

Our parent portal provides parents with 24/7 access to their child's data. Parents can log in to access their child's report, attendance information, timetable and school calendar.

Parent Portal Login

An email is sent to the address the school has recorded as the family contact. Once this email has been received, parents and guardians can register using the link provided. Specific student details is access by using the access key, also provided in the email.

If you have not received this email, please contact the school to ensure the correct address is recorded.

You can also view the documents on how to use the portal (PDF 605KB) for more information.


Bring your own device (BYOD) allows students to use personal mobile electronic devices at school to access the NSW Department of Education (DoE) Wi-Fi network for appropriate learning activities, accessing resources and to research material.

The term 'device' refers to any mobile electronic equipment, including assistive technologies brought into the school, which are owned by the student and have the capability of connecting to the DoE's Wi-Fi network. Killarney Heights High School has chosen a BYOD model that will meet the needs of most families. Students will be permitted to bring their own device to school, however, the device will need to meet the device specifications which are published as part of the school BYOD policy.

Before students bring their devices to school, they will be required to sign the online communication services, technology and BYOD user charter agreement that sets out students' responsibilities associated with the use of internet and online communication services at the school. 

Digital Devices and Online Services for Students

BYOD checklist (PDF 159KB)

BYOD student handbook (PDF 3MB).


Free Software

The available free software includes:

  • Microsoft Office 365 for Windows or Mac
  • Adobe Creative Suite CC.


HP BYOD Program at Killarney

Hewlett-Packard (HP) has offered to provide an easy to manage solution to provide a laptop for your child. The price of all of the devices they offer includes 3 years onsite support and free delivery. By purchasing an optional Accidental Damage Protection (ADP) with a small fee, the device will be covered with insurance on accidental drops, spills and any kind of damage for 3 years. HP will pick up the device from the school and return it to the school. There is no excess fee for parts and labor. All the devices will work within the school environment. This is not a Killarney Heights High School managed program, but it may be a solution that works for you. Check on the below video for more information.

Laptops can be ordered via HP BYOD Portal using school login code KillarneyHHS. See below flyer for more information and instructions on purchasing optional ADP.

HP BYOD for Killarney Heights High School (1.8MB)



“As a parent you’ll now have access to a cross section of information from many of Australia’s leading experts. All available here in one easy to follow resource on your smartphone, tablet or laptop.”


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